Fanfiction Page
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Points in time in the Karneval manga/anime in the past, present, future. Reshuffled to have some sort of coherency.
Magic Knight Rayearth
This is set in the future part, after the second season of the MKR TV series. Only has Shonen ai if you want it to have it. Implied shonen ai?
Whenever I call you friend
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This is based on the manga and took a few details from the anime. Still in the works. This one has a more or less a shonen ai theme. This actually won something...Year 2000 CLAMP best MKR fanfic or something like that... It's a continuation of where the manga left off and centers on Eagle.(Shonen ai)
A poem for Whenever...
Slam Dunk
Don't stop believing
The SD characters are in an interesting predicament. Why is everyone acting so weird? The stakes are higher now. It's not about just basketball now. Now they have to deal with putting up with members of other teams and a couple of kooky situations. (Implied Shounen-ai? Not intended to seem shounen ai...)
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
AU one shot where one of the Hanakimi characters face death. It's the story that started the Touu series timeline that I made for the series. (Non-shonen ai)
Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs
Yami no Matsuei
A Memory Away
Everything changes even in Meifu. A Shinigami moves on and life goes on in the Shokan division. This is an AU set after the Kyoto incident in the Yami Time line and before Aya-chan woke up in the Weib timeline.
Kingdom Hearts
Riku POV as he looks back on the end scene of the game... not the Sora and Kairi bit but the one with King Micky.
Magic Kaitou/Detective Conan
If I Never Knew You
AU With all that was happening in his life, catching Kaitou Kid, snipers, and the odd dead bodies care of some teenage detectives , life was never dull. Add an intergalactic pet and life was never the same again. Future KidxHakuxKaito.
Harry Potter
Nobody's Heroes
When a person is not the Hero then it doesn't matter what he does or what happens to him. To one Draco Malfoy such a thing can be considerd unacceptable. With this thought, one Draco Malfoy penned several works for his voice to be heard. H/D
Other Writers Works
Tokyo Babylon 1/2: by Cleo Tan
1 2 3What happens when a bishounen falls into the spring of a drowned girl? (Crossover between Ranma 1/2 and Tokyo Babylon)<Funny>
Glass by Hypertia
1 2 3 4Dragons, Demons, and Death, the past has come back to haunt everyone. (Crossover betseen Soryuden and Yu Yu Hakusho)
Medical Diaries
Main page
What's happening
Magic Knight Rayearth
Slam Dunk
Yami no Matsuei
Hana Kimi
Weiβ Kreuz
Other Writers Works
Medical Diaries(M.D.)
Kaimu Tachibana
Flame of Recca
Yami no Matsuei
Kaimu Tachibana
Prince of Tennis
Anime Sites
Fanfiction Site
Palm Links
Sites to Check out:
Incredible writer of the Fanfics CONFLICTS OF INTEREST(FF7) and other great epics.
Peripheral Brain
A collection of medical notes(Surgery to IM) for the palm in a memo
pad format. Verify all information
before using!
Layout made by mizamiko with the tutorial of Myako-san who owns the site Haelus Summi. Domo arigatou gozaimashita.
finished: 04Jan04