Don't stop believing
Part 2: To be or not to be
Kanagawa cityscape, night:
Fujima Kenji stood atop the tall, wire fence, staring at the cold city-lights
that faced him. Around him, a dark cloak billowed like a creature with a mind of
its own, seeming to swallow him at times. Motionless against the strong wind
that played with his hair, he stood.
Out of the sky a sudden shrieking could be heard. Like a shadow, a hawk-owl
detached itself from the darkness of the sky and alighted on Fujima's raised
Fujima fidgeted nervously as he 'released' the bird, turning it back to a mere
piece of paper, and pondered on what he had just learned. It seemed like he had
found his job for the night. His nervousness earlier that night certainly made
him a lot more jumpy but it could not be helped. He knew he had nearly sent Maki
to 'Paradise' but he was just that tense.
He was worried for everyone. He knew too much already, more than anyone else in
the team did. Their situation was not good; it was little more than helpless.
The five of them were mere specks of dust to the Dragons who would truly decide
on the fate of the world. True, there were other factions that could/might lead
to the End of the world, but none with that high a mortality rate.
Fujima sighed, he wrapped his cloak about himself and jumped off the ledge.
Against the building face, his shadow trailed ahead of him. Then as the shadow
passed a darkened portion of the building wall it disappeared and did not
reappear. As his cloaked form passed that portion as well, neither did he.
Flashback; Inside a derelict building, night time:
Three forms stood and stared disbelievingly at the pale-skinned fourth as he
lifted the warm pizza to his lips.
"Pizza, Ken-chan?" Rukawa Kaede offered to the fifth person in the room.
Fujima Kenji blinked for a few seconds then swiped the pizza from Rukawa's hand.
Biting on it, as if Rukawa had not dropped a bombshell, Fujima smiled in delight
at the pizza.
"Humm... extra cheese topping, it's Don Henrico's right? You bought my favorite
Hisashi, thanks!" Fujima said as he took another bite off his slice.
Sendoh Akira could feel the large sweatdrop slide down his head as he watched
Fujima eat. * Is it just me or has Kenji gone into denial?*
Maki Shinichi watched as Fujima bit into the pizza with gusto and continued on
as if nothing had happened. He turned his gaze to Rukawa, who had simply taken
another slice from one of the boxes after Fujima had swiped his. Maki cursed
under his breath and snatched the pizza from Rukawa's hand before the other
could take a bite from it.
"Mind if you tell us the details?" Maki said as he gave Rukawa the "talk fast"
look, while giving the slice a big bite. "I'd like to know what we're dealing
with and not just what's about to happen." He continued between chews.
"What in the world do you mean 'just the End of the World'!?!" Mitsui Hisashi
screamed into Rukawa's ear, just about the same time, once again livid. "The
last time you said something like that we had to deal with a lot of weirdos!"
"Chill, Hisashi!" Maki said as he blocked Mitsui from Rukawa. "Nobody noticed
the havoc that happened afterwards."
"Yeah! No need to get a heart attack over it." Sendoh added gripping Mitsui
firmly by the arm.
Rukawa calmly watched Mitsui as he struggled against the two. He was receiving a
pretty menacing glare from Mitsui as the latter tried to literally walk through
Maki and Sendoh.
"I meant exactly what I said. Quite literally actually." Rukawa answered,
"Why are you so worried, Hisashi? " Fujima softly interjected. "It was never our
part to fight. We are not, and most probably will never be, the major players in
this game."
The three would-be wrestlers looked at their companion and simply stared.
Flushing under their gaze, Fujima suddenly found the pizza extremely
"Why must we go through this every time we have something important on our
hands?" Fujima continued. Replacing the pizza inside the container that it came
from, he turned to face the other. "The decision concerning the future is not
ours to make. It is all up to those 'Soldiers', 'Troopers', 'Detectives', or
whatever they call themselves, to do the main thing. All our fighting is
essentially with the ghosts, spirits and the like."
"Our province has always been all the sleeping entities that those 'major
player' unwittingly release or disturb," Maki added looking at the sad smile
that his friend now sported. "You know this, Hisashi. Why do you have to raise
up hell every time we have a big job ahead of us?"
"Unlike some of us, I happen to have no intention of involving myself in
'charitable crusades'. I happen to intend to live to a ripe old age." Mitsui
answered heatedly. Whirling to face Rukawa he pointed an accusatory finger at
him and said. "Whenever Rukawa spouts off that "End of the World" line my life
expectancy decreases. Anyway, these gigs that Rukawa always come up with never
pays. Unlike you and Akira, I intend to get paid for my pains."
"Hey! Power down Hisashi." Sendoh said hand flapping in a placating manner. "I'd
like to live as long as the next guy. Doing our "jobs" just makes it more
exciting. On the subject of money, it's just a plus factor in what we're doing."
"You in or out this time?" Rukawa asked, sounding disinterested in the answer.
His dark head was turned away from the scene and seemed to be looking at
"Ch'! I don't like the kind of jobs that you offer Rukawa!" Mitsui spat.
"But Hisashi... we've always been a team. We need you in these big time jobs."
Sendoh blurted, surprised.
"What do I care? I can take on any supernatural entity that crosses me. I don't
need to look for trouble. And I don't need you guys to take them on for me
"Hisashi don't be like that. With the big league players busy, all the
disturbances can become dangerous for ordinary people. We can't just sit around
when there's something we can do about it. We have to fight them head on before
too many people get hurt." Maki patiently explained though he looked
"Let him be. It's his decision." Rukawa said suddenly.
"But Kaede!" Fujima gasped.
Without turning to face them Rukawa continued. "Megane-kun will be plenty
disappointed at this turn of events."
"What... did... you... say..." Mitsui asked eyes suddenly hard. "What do you
mean by that?!"
"Don't tell me you didn't know he knew..." Sendoh said, surprise written all
over his face.
"He doesn't know a thing-"
"Yes he does, he has known for a long time." Maki cut, giving Mitsui a weird
look that said 'Should I tell you you've grown another head?'
Mitsui turned to Fujima for confirmation. "Is what they're saying true? Well?"
"Did you think you could keep a secret from him?" Fujima asked quietly, cocking
his head
"Hisashi, Kogure-san is a very observant and intelligent person. Even when you
were 'going wild' he kept tabs on you. I'm telling you he has figured it out by
now." Fujima answered eyes fixed at Mitsui.
Mitsui listened to Fujima, trusting the other's reasoning. If there was anybody
in the group who seemed sane enough to reason with, Mitsui considered Fujima to
be the most likely candidate. He needn't like what he heard but he would
consider it.
"Maybe if you were more circumspect I would not have found you out." A whispered
voice added.
Mitsui jerked and went on a ready stance while the others simply turned slowly.
Rukawa gave a short nod towards the shadowed doorway that Mitsui downed. Slowly
a gangly figure separated itself from the inky portal.
"Kim-kun..." Mitsui whispered seeming both surprised and worried.
"Hisashi-kun. " Kogure Kiminobu acknowledged with a nod.
"What are you doing here?" Mitsui asked, clearly flustered. He ran his hand
through his hair and shook his head. "You shouldn't be out and about. It's
"I know it's dangerous but I also know to that it won't get any better. It
won't, certainly not without help."
Mitsui stared at his friend. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here because Rukawa asked for my assistance." Kogure answered calmly. "I
may not be able to do what you guys can but I'm willing to help in any way.
Rukawa asked me to do some errands. Nothing exciting but it's something. I've
just finished my latest run."
"You did what?!?" Mitsui shouted as he turned angrily towards Rukawa's
direction. In a flurry of movements, Mitsui had Rukawa by his shirt lapels, up
against the wall. "What in the world were you thinking off?!?"
Rukawa looked at him squarely in the eye and spoke. "I needed someone I could
trust to work as a runner. Kogure-sempai was the best choice."
"Keep. Him. Out. Of. This." Mitsui hissed as he pulled Rukawa closer. He
emphasized each word with an angry poke at Rukawa's chest.
Rukawa raised a brow at this. Placing his hand gently over Mitsui's, he gave it
a little twist and pressed down. He then ran his hand towards Mitsui's elbow. In
a smooth side-step turn, he had Mitsui kneeling on the floor. Surprised, Mitsui
twisted to kick at Rukawa. But the kick never landed as Rukawa tugged at his arm
and made him lose his balance. Quickly Rukawa knelt down and placed him in a
painless arm-lock.
"I would rather not resort to violence, Mitsui-sempai." Rukawa answered evenly.
"He didn't twist my arm or anything, Hisashi-kun. I offered to help him with his
work when I saw him sleeping more in classes. " Kogure added, watching the whole
procedure worriedly.
Kogure touched Rukawa's shoulder in a silent request that he release Mitsui.
Rukawa released the struggling upperclassman then quickly jumped back. He
narrowly missed being punched as Mitsui swung at him.
Kogure placed himself between Mitsui and Rukawa and turned peacemaker again.
"Okay!" Kogure said hastily as he made calming motion's towards each of them.
"No need to hold grudges over that. Neither of you got hurt so no hard
Sendoh hid a wicked grin as he watched all this. He knew Kogure already had
Mitsui under control. If there was anyone who could curb their friend's temper,
it would be Kogure Kiminobu. Gentle, quiet, Megane-kun simply had a way with
"Well now that we're all here might as well tell us what's happening Kaede."
Fujima said, as he jumped on top of a crate and sat there hugging his legs.
"Kogure-sempai?" Rukawa prompted.
Kogure nodded and pulled out a notebook from his breast pocket. Sendoh and Maki
looked around for a comfortable vantage while Rukawa simply leaned on the
windowsill. Mitsui grumbled a little then sat on the floor Indian style.
"Well for starters, Rukawa asked me to speak with a few of his folks. I was to
ask them what they found out.-"
"And..." Sendoh inquired.
"He was getting to that, Akira." Mitsui bit out, irritated.
"Err... Well it seems like there had been sightings of a few odd things. "
Kogure edged.
"Like..." Maki prodded, one of his brows rising in inquiry.
""Well, there seems to be three major disturbances lately. A young girl wearing
weird outfits is causing the first group of disturbances. A minor disturbance
would occur and the girl would appear. Then there seems to be a big tournament
called 'King of Fighters' that has very interesting people involved in it. Top
fighters from all over the world are entered and are holding competitions around
the world. And lastly, there seems to be the odd howling of wolves. With the
howling, there had been reports of sightings of beings standing at real
precarious places." Kogure took a last look at his notebook and shut it. "Well
that's all I got from my trips."
"Very well. It only confirms my suspicions." Rukawa said, seeming in deep
thought. Lifting his head he set his sights on Sendoh and gave a nod. "Akira?"
Sendoh returned the nod and took out an electronic notebook. Placing it on top
of a crate, he touched its keys and 'dove right in'. In a matter of seconds the
screen was flashing information like mad.
"This may take a while but I seem to have found some sources to back the last
disturbance." Sendoh mumbled, lost in the rush of information being downloaded
into his mind. "Cross referencing weird outfits with currently present designers
for your first disturbance. And... Lets see what we can find out about 'The King
of Fighters Tournament'."
"Anything you guys would like to add?" Sendoh inquired.
"The young girl with weird outfits has a companion. Another girl who seems to be
filming her escapades." Maki added.
"You "saw" that?" Sendoh asked, a grin appearing on his lips.
Maki glanced at Sendoh then added, "I think you'll find a large amount of data
on 'The KOF' considering it has a lot of media coverage."
Fujima looked up, from where he sat, and gave him an inquiring look. "Maki?"
Maki simply nodded.
"The situation there bothers me. And no, I don't know where the two disturbances
actually are based." Maki answered Fujima's unvoiced question. "I've 'seen' them
but I can't tell where they really are. "
"Pray tell how you are able to do that" Mitsui said sarcastically. Like he
didn't care for the answer, Mitsui munched on a slice of pizza.
"He takes a nap and he walks in the dream world." Sendoh quipped.
Maki looked at Sendoh and smirked. Maki knew that that was his province but he
also knew that Mitsui didn't believe a whit of it.
"Ne... Sendoh-kun don't shout it out to the world." Maki returned giving the
younger man his trademark grin. "Mitsui might sell it to some weirdo, then where
would I be. "
"Arrggghhhh!!" Mitsui then swore under his breath as he raised a fist before
him. "Do you think I would fall such stupid nonsense! "
Maki didn't know if he should hit his head on the wall or scream in
exasperation. He had meant it as a joke, but as always Mitsui took it
Out of the corner of his eye he could see Fujima's eyes widen. Maki could feel a
smile slowly break from his face. Of the five of them Mitsui, Rukawa, and Fujima
have not yet regained their memories of their past lives. But even so, Maki
could still not help seeing how alike the three were to their former selves.
This held truer with Fujima. Though the coloring had changed it was the same
soulful stare and the same genius that he met whenever he looked at the present
incarnation. The same ice covering the flame within.
"If you three are done I would like to give you your assignments?" Rukawa cut
"Sure thing."
"Assign away."
"What do we do?"
"Who died and made you boss."
Came the various replies. Rukawa mentally sighed. The night was still young and
already he felt a headache come in. Mitsui was giving him a hard time, again it
didn't come as a surprise. He made no show of his aggravation other than to
blink at them.
"Alright. Sendoh and Mitsui will cover the KOF Tournament. Maki will take care
of the costumed girl. And Fujima and I will take a look at those wolves or
whatever they may be." With a nod Rukawa grabbed his bag and turned to leave.
"We'll meet back here in three days."
"That's it?" Mitsui asked. "No info on what, where, and how?"
Rukawa turned and leveled a gaze at him. "I expect that you'd get in touch with
Sendoh. He has the info. And the other questions I leave to your abilities. You
did say you didn't need any help."
Inside Rukawa knew this was the only way to egg Mitsui on. With a secret smile
he watched the fury fill his comrade's face. This was the only way they all knew
that Mitsui would stay with them, appealing to his own words.
In the sidelines Kogure could feel his sweat fall. He couldn't believe that the
two were able to play basketball at all with the animosity that they exuded for
each other.
"Alright, you have your jobs, now get to it."
"You know, Rukawa, you really need to learn to present orders better." Sendoh
said as he packed up his gear. Maki simply nodded as he made his way out of the
Kanagawa streets, Night time:
Fujima moved noiselessly as he ran atop the houses, jumping from one rooftop to
another. He jumped down to street level as he neared his home and simply ran
towards his own house.
He was unaware of the pair of bespectacled eyes that followed him in. Though the
watcher did not see the scene of him jumping from house to house, the watcher
did see him climb up the side of his own house toward his room window.
"Okita..." the man whispered.
****December 15, 1999*****
Disclaimers: All characters belong to their original creator Mr. Inou. I just
commandeered them for a night out into my own demented world.
Note: The story is a figment of my imagination please don't use it for your own
purposes without asking.
Jan 31 2000 revision 1