Recommended Works
My first installment in this page so there are a lot of recommended fics to choose from. More like fics that I liked. Some are... okay most are into a bit of drama and angst but some are actually funny. Some shounen-ai no real yaoi in the selection... he he. I'm not much of a PWP fan and there will never will be a PWP here.
Some helpful hints:
HxH= Hunter x Hunter
HP= Harry Potter
YGO= Yu Gi Oh
SD= Slam Dunk
Pokemon= Pocket Monsters
WK= Weiβ Kreuz
FF#= Final Fantasy whatever number
YnM= Yami no Matsuei
CCS= CardCaptor Sakura
PoT= Prince of Tennis/Tennis no Ojisama
CCD= CLAMP Campus Detectives/CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan
HnG= Hikaru no Go
MLR= Matantei Loki Ragnarok
Furuba= Fruit Basket
SSO= Sorceror Stabber Orphen
LotR= Lord of the Rings
LoZ= Legend of Zelda
FMA= Full Metal Alchemist
DC/MK= Detective Conan/Magic Kaitou
(WIP)= Work In Progress
LJ= Live Journal
Harry Potter: Recommended fanfictions- A list of HP fanfictions both stand alones, finished novels and WIP's. Found in different areas from FictionAlley to FFnet to LJ and other interesting areas on the net.
Yu Gi Oh: Recommended fanfictions- a list of YGO fanfictions mostly from FFnet (has anyone seen the list there? thousands!)
Vampire Knight: Recommended fanfictions- a list of VK fanfictions mostly from FFnet (beware shonen ai)
A new batch of rec fics! Yay!!!
Shades of Grey/Grey Zone by Icka! M. Chif DC/MK KidxSaguruxKaitou, an interesting pairing in the shonen ai side of things. Nothing Yaoish here, yet. You have to have some background on the manga/anime if you want to understand the story. Must read if you like Saguru-kun!
I'm back even if it's only for the Recom page!
Full Circle by Nike Femme FMA RoyxEd, AlxWin, and one interesting pairing that you'll have to read about.
I liked this story, it's not big strong Roy and dainty little Ed but a balanced relationship between them. It was one of those stories that I couldn't stop reading until I reached the last chapter.
Edward Elric returns with amnesia. He has lived the past four years as Auric, a Gatekeeper. But there are some battles that only he can fight. Will his friends be able to awaken Ed, and what happens to Auric if they do? - Author's Summary (Complete)
Butterfly Effect by
Kiraya FF7 None, yet.
A different way of looking at things. What if's abound in this story
When a little blond boy awakens an old Turk from his long sleep, no one could've guessed how things would change. (WIP)
Shadow by Demi-goddess - Queen of OCs LoZ LinkxShiek
We bring back our beloved Shiek from Zelda of old and place him in LoZ: The Twilight Princess. I was really amazed on how Shiek was seamlessly integrated into a time, and world, different from where we originally found him and into one of the most recent incarnations of the Zelda worlds. This is shonen-ai so no, Shiek is not "you know who."
Hyrule is once again in peace. But as cliched as it sounds, how long will it last? With a new unknown threat imminent, and with no guide, the Princess sends her shadow... one of the last true shadows: Sheik, of the Sheikah... - Authors Summary (WIP)
A month of no pairings??? I don't know yet how to link to ffnet with them changing the addys now so please be patient as I try to change the links now.
It Wasn't His Fault by
All in Heimdall's POV it's a funny
story on why something's aren't his fault. In this particular fic it was
not his fault and really seeing Loki's boxer shorts isn't Heimdall's fault.
(Stand Alone)
Diversionary Tactics by MadamHydra
YGO None
It's a spoiler for the ending of the Battle
City. This is what you can hate and love with the best and 'worst'
character in the series. This is Seto Kaiba (Stand Alone)
MadamHydra Summary: Seto Kaiba insists on continuing his duel with Gozaburo even when faced with the threat of an incoming missile. But is it mere arrogance and hatred that motivates him, or something far deeper?
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit- by Grey-Eyed Athena HP None
An interesting AU which has other side stories attached to it in her ffnet site.
It can be read alone but the other stories will help understand some parts.
This is Malfoy centered and has a little to do with Harry and the 'holy trio'.
Instead it has the 'unholy trio.' (Completed)
History of Magic- by Lizeth YGO/HP None(?)
There is a
new Professor in Hogwarts. Finally Professor Binns has resigned and with
the job opening we have... Yugi? An interesting twist in the rampant
YGO/HP crossovers. (WIP)
The Reader- by Aja
HP None
The summary
of the writer was "Death. War. Poetry. Love." It is all that but nothing
really romantic in the love part and not really into poetry, more like
inspirational quotes. Think 'Dead
Poets Society' with a war raging in the background and you have this fic. It's sweet
and can be a continuation of the 5th book. Harry growing up is always a
good reason to read. (Stand Alone)
Christmas Spirits- by Aishuu
PoT Lots of pairings
Funny funny and weird. (Completed)
Brightly Burning-
by Aishuu HnG None
An AU where Shindo didn't go to the Touya Go Salon
and only entered the Insei program years later after Sai passed on. (WIP)
by Ego-chan YGO Lots of pairings with eventual SetoxRyou
A few and far between pairing
this story is incredible. A half crazy Ryou in a good way. Imagine Ryou as a mix of Obsessive
Compulsive and a High Functioning Autistic= Rainman Ryou??? (WIP)
Wild Hearts Can't be Broken-
lynlyn HxH KuroroxKurapika
True, not as common a pair up like against Leorio but an interesting match. It's not PWP.
It takes off during the OAV of the Anime or the part where Kurapika captures Kuroro... no not that
way. People get your minds out of the gutter. There has yet to be any action (you know what kind)
up to the latest chapter. Lots of character development. Really. (WIP)
Catch My Eyes-
by Kay the Cricketed Furuba None
A peek at the feelings of our dear
cat(Kyou). (Stand Alone)
Playing in the Rain-
Inami YnM None
What goes through the mind of Byakko as he sits under the rain.
He is more like his master than any other Shikigami. (Stand Alone)
Eternal Rhapsody-
by Nagyra SD None
It's a funny story where our
dear basketball favorites (mine at least) are staying in one house/dorm name
Eternal Rhapsody. No it's not a night club, it really is named Eternal
Rhapsody. (WIP)
by Sorcha FAKE RosexJJ
Stories about these too are few and far between.
(Stand Alone)
guess it was in the cards by Nenya85 YGO YamixSeto
One of the few fics I know defending
(?) Seto, not that he would ever care about our opinions mind you. (Completed)
Accident my Foot
by Silrayn Silverfox WK CxA
a funny take on our
favorite katana wielding kitty and the oracle. (Stand Alone)
Behind the
Rivalry Arc by Silrayn Silverfox WK CxA
serious take on a what if Aya and Crawford met before the series (Completed)
Shadows of the
Moon by Leareth CCS TxY
a story on what could be running through the minds of the CCS characters
as Yukito slowly faded away. (WIP)
Shadows Falling by Leareth YnM in
One-Thirteen sg
may (maybe) not read the one thirteen series in Leareth's page but it would be
an interesting read if you like Tatsumi and Tsuzuki almost together...
Shadows falling has no definite pairing so I didn't add anything. (WIP)
Deuce by
Jennifier D PoT TezuRyou
It's about tennis and two
very alike persons(as players)... sorta. (Stand Alone with a sequel)
Lessons on How
to Make a Bishounen Snap by Aishuu HnG None
like Hikaru no Go and this is a very interesting take on what will happen to our
dear Akira if he ever enters High School. (WIP)
Change, Heart Change by Ame no Megami Naruto GaaraxHinata
a rare pairing and it's really sweet. Hinata is finally given the backbone
that she showed in the chunnin exams in a fanfic. Hell Yeah!! (Completed)
Last to Know by Meia
MLR no particular pairing
MLR stands for Matantei
Loki Ragnarok and this very funny story is very in character for the whole cast.
It's more of a what if everybody thought Loki and Heimdal were together.(Stand
Alone with Omake)
Sands of
Time and Shadows of Old by Yami Yugi Chan YGO YamixYugi YamixSeto
a point in time where the past and the present struggle to shape the future.
Set in a parallel world as the manga this story is no light hearted romp through
Yami's past. (WIP)
A Long Hard
Road by Twig FFVII SephxCloud
It's a
continuation from where the game left off. It's right up there with
Conflicts of Interest. (Completed)
Lazarus Child by WhiteCat/Terra and Sharky Orig The story is under the Catfish link which is their link to their collaborated fics. (WIP)
See the bad-tempered demon hunter. (his name is Osiris)
See him kill lots of demons. (they happened to get in the way)
See his chaos-type sidekick. (feed him and he loves you forever)
And see the happy guy who can cook. (his name's Ray)
Oh, wait, there are other things too.
Like guns and fighting
And a possibility of the world ending.
It's not all in a day's work--
But hell, someone has to do it.
<lines straight from their page>
PokeWorld by WhiteCat
Pokemon ShiShi
It's a total AU that could pass as an original work.
It's on extended hiatus but up to its latest installment, worth every chapter.(WIP)
Main page
What's happening
Magic Knight Rayearth
Slam Dunk
Yami no Matsuei
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
Weiβ Kreuz
Other Writers Works
Medical Diaries(M.D.)
Kaimu Tachibana
Flame of Recca
Yami no Matsuei
Kaimu Tachibana
Prince of Tennis
Anime Sites
Fanfiction Site
Palm Links
Sites to Check out:
Incredible writer of the Fanfics CONFLICTS OF INTEREST(FF7) and other great epics.
Peripheral Brain
A collection of medical notes(Surgery to IM) for the palm in a memo
pad format. Verify all information
before using!
Layout made by mizamiko with the tutorial of Myako-san who owns the site Haelus Summi. Domo arigatou gozaimashita.
Update 04Nov04
finished: 04Jan04