Harry Potter Recommended Works
A compilation of fanfics that I've read through that I felt was worth a second look. There is no particular ship but some may have NC-17/R ratings so the separate page. There will be due warning and a brief intro for why each got in this list. People please remember the ff:
R- there is shagging going on or serious topics discussed
R or NC-17- serious shagging but still with a plot( more explicit)
PWP- Plot? What Plot?
Stand Alone =
Finished Works =
People the fics aren't spoiler free so if you haven't read the first five books and don't want to find spoilers please read any warnings before reading.
The Reader- by Aja
Pairing: None
The summary
of the writer was "Death. War. Poetry. Love." It is all that but nothing
really romantic in the love part and not really into poetry, more like
inspirational quotes. Think 'Dead
Poets Society' with a war raging in the background and you have this fic.
It's sweet and can be a continuation of the 5th book. Harry growing up is
always a good reason to read.
Thigma by El
Pairing: None
This had Prologue stated at the top but hasn't been
updated in a year... It can stand alone as is though and that in its self is
enough. We have a newly inducted death eater Draco finally choosing for
himself what he wants for his future. Not really a redemption fic but more
of Draco finally taking the reigns of his life.
Transfigurations by
Pairing: H/D
Post Voldemort, the wizarding world slowly rebuilds
itselfThis had Prologue stated at the top but hasn't been updated in a year...
It can sta
Choices by Chiya
Pairing: H/D
Rating: R
Chapter: 15
Sequel to Draco Malfoy and His Unknown Fate(finished
Draco Malfoy and His Unknown
Fate- by Jitterbug1
RPairing: H/D
Rating: R
A Draco-centric story where he has more
backbone than his cannon counterpart. After defending his sexual
preference from his father Draco is forced to leave Malfoy Manor. The
story follows his ups and downs as he makes his way through his sixth year
without the title Malfoy. ASH meetings, potion patenting, underground porn
magazine ring, falling for the Boy Who Lived, all just another normal year in
Irresistible Poison- by Rhysenn
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG-13
Chapters: 15 with 1 interlude
Drama and Romance. This is one of the first H/D novel length story that I've
read and I'll probably always recommend for new HD shippers. This is not a
fluffy story. It starts off with the reader laughing at another Draco
antic but by the middle of the story you'll actually feel for the prat.
Rhysenn Summary: Under the influence of a love potion, Draco learns that poison doesn't always bring death -- there are other ways to suffer and live. Chemical emotion runs feverish as Harry and Draco discover the intoxication of love.
Left My Heart
by Emma Grant
Pairing: H/D
Rating: R
Chapter: 10
Set in San Francisco, post Voldemort(or is it?).
Once field Auror, now working on a desk job, Harry Potter is asked to find the
missing ex-Auror Draco Malfoy. Potter's search leads him to a coffee shop
with the most crew member. FBI, CIA, Aurors and DeathEaters secrets and
more secrets. The wizarding world American style.
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit- by Grey-Eyed Athena
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-13
Chapters: 15
An interesting AU which has other side stories attached to it in her ffnet site.
It can be read alone but the other stories will help understand some parts.
This is Malfoy centered and has a little to do with Harry and the 'holy trio'.
Instead it has the 'unholy trio.' Another way of seeing the HP world.
The Depths of Winter- by
RPairing: H/D
Rating: R
Post-Hogwarts. This one is right up
there with Irresistible Poison and The Reader. Harry Potter left the
wizarding world after defeating the Voldemort and is now a famous writer and a
struggling college student. A sudden meeting with an old school rival
forces him to turn to the wizarding world for help and there starts the healing
long overdue.
Amalgam - by
Frulie 21/
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG-13 to R
Made much like the TV series '24hours' the story starts on
the last hour of the last 24hours then recounts each hour that had passed.
Post war, Hogwarts has a new Potions and Care of Magical Creatures/Flying
Professors. In the next 24 hours, everything from a demented painting to
vampires will try to come between our two professors. Indoor waterfalls
and moving mazes, Hogwarts will never be the same again.
Draco Malfoy and His Happily
Ever After- by Jitterbug1 18/
Pairing: H/D
Rating: R
Sequel to Draco Malfoy and His Unknown Fate(finished works),
covers the summer before Draco and Harry's seventh and final year. Go read the
first 59 chapters before reading this since it won't make any sense. It's summer
and like all of Harry's summers it starts in #4 Privet Drive but now he has
Draco with him...
Full Spectrum
by Olivia Lupin 4/ ???
Pairing: H/D
Rating: R
I really should put this more in
History of Magic- by Lizeth
Pairing: None(?)
Rating: PG-13
I really should put this more in the ygorecom and I will
but its an HP as much as an YGO. There is a
new Professor in Hogwarts. Finally Professor Binns has resigned and with
the job opening we have... Yugi? An interesting twist in the rampant
YGO/HP crossovers. Actually it has a part 9 in Lizeths webpage.
Per Solum Lacuna: By
Words Alone by Azhure & wintermoon2 12/
Pairing: will be H/D
Rating: PG-13 to R (Depends on the Chapter)
An interesting AU which has other side stories attached
to it in her
A post-war fic where happily ever after does not just happen for the heroes of
the war. It trades between Harry's and Draco's POV, beautifully I might
add. There is no OOC in this story. Harry is still as cannon as he
could be except for certain preferences. Draco is still the smart mouthed,
icy, brat. PSL was able to let the characters grow up yet still retain the
interesting personalities we both love and hate of the two main characters.
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Magic Knight Rayearth
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Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
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Flame of Recca
Yami no Matsuei
Kaimu Tachibana
Prince of Tennis
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Sites to Check out:
Incredible writer of the Fanfics CONFLICTS OF INTEREST(FF7) and other great epics.
Peripheral Brain
A collection of medical notes(Surgery to IM) for the palm in a memo
pad format. Verify all information
before using!
Layout made by mizamiko with the tutorial of Myako-san who owns the site Haelus Summi. Domo arigatou gozaimashita.
Updated: 04Nov04
finished: 04Jan04