Yu Gi Oh Recommended Works
A compilation of fanfics that I've read through that I felt was worth a second look. There is no particular ship but some may have NC-17/R ratings so the separate page. There will be due warning and a brief intro for why each got in this list. People please remember the ff:
R- there is shagging going on or serious topics discussed
R or NC-17- serious shagging but still with a plot( more explicit)
PWP- Plot? What Plot?
Stand Alone = 2
Finished Works = 3
WIP = 6
Diversionary Tactics by MadamHydra
Pairing: None
It's a spoiler for the ending of the Battle
City. This is what you can hate and love with the best and 'worst'
character in the series. This is Seto Kaiba (Stand Alone)
MadamHydra Summary: Seto Kaiba insists on continuing his duel with Gozaburo even when faced with the threat of an incoming missile. But is it mere arrogance and hatred that motivates him, or something far deeper?
Yami: Owner's Guide and
Maintenance Manual - by Lizeth
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
This is actually two pages, the first being the Yami
guide and the second being the Bakura guide. They work as stand alones but
read them both since they both are funny. It's exactly as the title says.
It's an owners guide to Yami and Bakura. Just for laughs.
guess it was in the cards by Nenya85
Pairing: Yami/Seto
One of the few fics I know defending
(?) Seto, not that he would ever care about our opinions mind you. Yami
learns that there is more to Seto Kaiba than the Kaiba he has always seen.
After an accident (accident my ass, Kaiba provoked the mutt) Yami was asked to
stay with the Kaiba's to help the brothers as Seto recuperates.
Foreign xChange by
Pairing: None
Chapter: 4
It's actually an x-men:Evolution crossover. I'm not
really as interested in this story as I am with Roll of the Bones but this is
the first set before that so it's sort of necessary to read, not that its bad.
It's a good one. I'm just not that into the pairing of Kaiba and Shadowcat
even if their both geniuses. Read the story and try to forget the last 1/3 of
the 4th chapter and I'm fine. On the YGO cast
Roll of the Bones by
Pairing: None
Chapter: 8
It's a crossover with Sentinel.
Some background info on Sentinel would be a good idea or you will be terribly
lost. fgs
Intruders- by AmunRa 26/
Pairing: None(?)
Rating: PG-13
Yami, Yuugi, and Seto are sent back in time and stumble
into past selves and past enemies. As the three struggle to return to
their own time Gozaburo, in Seto's body(read to figure out how) wrecks havoc and
Yuugi tachi tries to do damage control.
Is This Normal by by
Lizeth 9/
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Ryou-centered fic which so far has little to do with
Yugi-tachi. The tomb robber and Ryou transfer to a new school and start a
hornets nest of troubles for the local gangs.
It's Deja vu All Over Again
by Nenya85 14/
Pairing: Yami/Seto
Rating: R
Another story from Nenya85 giving us a peek at the
psyche of the Kaiba we love and hate. A younger Kaiba Seto stumbles into
the future and see the future self that survived Gozaburo.
History of Magic- by
Lizeth 8/
Pairing: None(?)
Rating: PG-13
I really should put this more in the ygorecom and I will
but its an HP as much as an YGO. There is a
new Professor in Hogwarts. Finally Professor Binns has resigned and with
the job opening we have... Yugi? An interesting twist in the rampant
YGO/HP crossovers.
by Ego-chan 16/
Pairing: Lots of pairings with eventual SetoxRyou
A few and far between pairing
this story is incredible. A half crazy Ryou in a good way. Imagine Ryou as a mix of Obsessive
Compulsive and a High Functioning Autistic= Rainman Ryou???
Sands of
Time and Shadows of Old by Yami Yugi Chan
Pairing: Yami/Yugi Yami/Seto
a point in time where the past and the present struggle to shape the future.
Set in a parallel world as the manga this story is no light hearted romp through
Yami's past.
Main page
What's happening
Magic Knight Rayearth
Slam Dunk
Yami no Matsuei
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
Weiβ Kreuz
Other Writers Works
Medical Diaries(M.D.)
Kaimu Tachibana
Flame of Recca
Yami no Matsuei
Kaimu Tachibana
Prince of Tennis
LJ icons
Anime Sites
Fanfiction Site
Palm Links
Sites to Check out:
Incredible writer of the Fanfics CONFLICTS OF INTEREST(FF7) and other great epics.
Peripheral Brain
A collection of medical notes(Surgery to IM) for the palm in a memo
pad format. Verify all information
before using!
Layout made by mizamiko with the tutorial of Myako-san who owns the site Haelus Summi. Domo arigatou gozaimashita.
Updated 04Nov04
finished: 04Jan04