August 2015
Karneval fic uploaded
May 2009
A new fic uploaded!
January 2008
Short update on the Recom Page
September 2005
Update on Whenever I call you friend! Hey people chapter 8 is actually up! Can you believe it? Ha!
July 2005
Hey people! New layout err... more or less. Into a kingdom hearts pic moment. I couldn't make a nice Harry Potter layout. I just couldn't find a nice enough pic. Something new in the wallpaper section. I now have a Kingdom Hearts wallpaper!!
June 2005
Well I've changed the weblog link to the tripod weblog named crimson. HP6 is comming out next month and I hope it lives up to the last 5 books! Hah. Later kids!
November 2004
Into the Harry Potter addiction!!! Now in the recommendations page we have a separate page for HP and YGO fanfiction.
I think I finally got the glass and the scans on line... I think.
The wallpapers section have a new part added. LJ icons in 100x100 size. Please check it out.
July 5,2004
(Scratches head) Well.. I fixed the links at the fanfic page... and I guess thats good.
A memory a way chapter 2 and 3 are out.
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e is an old manga that I've been reading (old?). Got an AU fanfic name Mushi no iki. Only seen a few fics on the manga so this is my addition to it.
My gift to Kingdom Hearts in the fic Closing the door is also in.
People please be gentle. I need beta readers!! If you wanna apply then just email me. Please...
May 6,2004
Yay! Updates!!!
I updated the Recomendations Page so check it out. Plus I finally got A Memory Away started on the fanfiction page. Please send me your comments.
April 21,2004
To all that do follow my page(as if), greetings!!!
Well the stories supposed to be up is now going through the mixer.
On the brighter side I now have a pitas page. mizamiko
February 2004
Midnight Colours ver 4 A new year, a new layout. People this is my first time dabbling with this type of layout(div layout) so have a little patience on how crummy it is okay! Hopefully with the faster connection that is now readily available this won't be too hard to load. I now have a start page and a main page plus as you can see a brighter colour scheme. Though still titled Midnight Colours the new layout now no longer sport the frames system. I'm working on this being operable in both Opera and IE systems though I need to load a Netscape if I want to see if turns out all right...
This is a major change from my older layout and is much simpler to construct. Believe me, playing with photoshop was a lot easier than working on the frames html. At your right is all the links leading into my little labyrinth of a page as well as all the links(at this level) out of the page.
UPDATES: Let's see... new on the Whenever I call you friend(MKR)series is part 7. Part 3 of Don't stop believing(SD) is also up. New stories up are up: Missing a Yami no Matsuei/Weiβ Kreuz cross over that is a little AU... maybe a lot AU, Edge of the Earth a Hanazakari no Kimitachi e/CLAMP cross over mainly hanakimi with a few refferences to the CLAMP world, Touu a Hanakimi fic with me in an angsty mood, Black and White a Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs/MKR crossover AU that should be treated as just a trip on the weird side. I now have a wallpaper page. Just a few pieces that I like. Finally MD world pushes through...sorta.
Main page
What's happening
Slam Dunk
Yami no Matsuei
Weiβ Kreuz
Other Writers Works
Medical Diaries(M.D.)
Kaimu Tachibana
Flame of Recca
Yami no Matsuei
Kaimu Tachibana
Prince of Tennis
LJ icons
Anime Sites
Fanfiction Site
Palm Links
Sites to Check out:
Incredible writer of the Fanfics CONFLICTS OF INTEREST(FF7) and other great epics.
Peripheral Brain
A collection of medical notes(Surgery to IM) for the palm in a memo
pad format. Verify all information
before using!
Layout made by mizamiko with the tutorial of Myako-san who owns the site Haelus Summi. Domo arigatou gozaimashita.
Updated 07Jul05
finished: 04Jan04